Sunday, January 25, 2009

Haven't eaten yet but....

Had a hankering to wear lots of hardcore chains yesterday... So I whipped up some earrings that I wore out last night tot he Cavern. Woke up this morning expecting to be hungover but surprisingly not so before showering or eating breakfast (which I still haven't done... its now 4pm) I made more! But instead of just chains I found some household objects to incorporate... try to guess what the puffs are made of.... suspense...
I will be selling my 'no hangover for me!' (just joking) creations on my etsy site

'Red Rum'
Hardcore chained earrings with red paint
approx. 6 1/2"

'Puff the Magic Dragon'
Delicate chain and 'puff' with blue paint
approx 6-7"


  1. Ahh I dig chain jewelry! Can I commission you to make me a necklace?


  2. oooh yeah man i was actually gunna make one for myself soon! whats your email?? since i think you got rid of facebook?? we'll have a chat about colour, amount of chain, added materials etc!

  3. I really like these earrings, they make me wish I still had pierced ears.
    I think your blog is very interesting. Those cardboard paintings are excellent.
