Another announcement! The November art show at the Starving Artist Gallery in Degrees (2nd floor U of M) is now a double feature and my very talented friend Nadine Hink will be showing her work with me! We'll be aiming for the paintings to go up in the next week so opening night should be shortly after that. I'll post the exact date as soon a I know! I will be showing two of my newest abstract paintings and Nadine will be showing her Surreal and at times amazingly creepy oil paintings! Here's a sneakpeek at Nadine's work and I'll have some pro photos from my friend Dayna Danger after opening night!

Also! I just finished dropping off my new line of felted earrings at Studio Lune! Formerly Lune Vintage on Rathgar, Jill teamed up with Mel aka Dizzy Dame and they have transformed a space in the exchange (70 Arthur St.) into a cozy and inspiring vintage shop with tons of handmade goods from local artists. The shop doubles as a studio where they hold workshops and is open every other Friday to shop. They are nearing completion developing a large online component where you can purchase everything in the store online through paypal - how convenient! Here are a few of the Giggs goodies that are now available in the store and shortly online! I'm also going to have to start getting my roommate Jarika to model the jewelry for me. I'm starting to really dislike being my own model..

Aaaand just for good measure some Bitchin Stitchin photos of Kelly and Katie from last Tuesday. It was Katie's first time knitting so that's why she looks so frustrated/hilarious. And just an update - we've decided our new motto is "Sharing needles every Tuesday night". Witty I know - we're going to print it on t-shirts and knitting bags :)

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