Wednesday, December 15, 2010

'Eat Your Arts and Vegetables'

So many new things to share as usual! First - you have to see this - Cooper the photographer cat. He's making me want cameras for Frankie and Toulouse!

In other news, I have made Gallery Ingenue it's own blog! It will act as official page rather than people having to sift through my ramblings on this blog but will still provide fun updates and going ons here :) Check out the new blog here and click 'follow' on the right hand side of the blog to be her friend.

Also, I've just secured an artist for January, Ashley Gillanders! Ashley is in the same thesis year as I am and we met in our thesis seminar! She recently had a show in the Gallery of Student Art (GOSA) on campus and takes beautiful photographs of things that are over-looked by most people. She has recently been photographing carefully composed office spaces and home interiors whose shapes start to take on a different life. I think showing her photographs in Stella's rustic interior will create an interesting comparison with the bright and clean interiors she's depicting. Here's a sneakpeek of her work and you can check out her flickr here.

In other exciting news, current Gallery Ingenue artist, Dee Barsy, and I will be guests on my old drawing prof, Derek Brueckner's, radioshow 'Eat Your Arts and Vegetables' Thursday Dec.30th! Tune in from 5:30-6pm on 95.9FM CKUW or listen to the podcast up to six weeks afterwards on their blog.

The TOMS shoe design contest submission deadline has also now been extended to Januray 5th! That gives all U of M students more time during the holidays to perfect their submissions. When finished submissions can either be emailed to me or dropped off at the UMSU office at the U of M.

Onto my newest update from my lambs painting which I have decided to title Lambs to the Slaughter after Roald Dahl's Lamb the Slaughter. These are just some quick shots taken with Darrin's iphone - the lighting in the first one has made me think more pink would be better so I'm going to go into the big 'oozing orb' and left hand side today with more pink. Is it weird that the Hipstamatic app is influencing my colour choices? Probably...

I've also decided to start making art about how horrible the 'Turducken' is. If you don't know what a Turducken is it's a good thing because as Darrin put it it epitomizes all that is wrong with the mass production of animals for human consumption and the sheer gluttony. 

Anyways I'm off to paint now - hope everyone's holidays are grand!


  1. Haha I'm so glad you're a fan of Cooper now too!
    You can get pet cams from
    I was all for getting one for Virtute...Then realized it wouldn't be very entertaining, with her being an indoor cat in a teeny apartment and all.

  2. Cara thats amazing! Even though Frankie and Toulouse are indoor cats I think I'll have to purchase one for them too... and then post the pictures - its going to be great!
