Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Murder of Crows

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So I heard an interview on CBC radio yesterday about a documentary called A Murder of Crows airing on CBC this Sunday night. I'm usually not so into the creepy bird but after seeing the most amazing painting by a thesis student a few years ago with crows in tuxedos and top hats holding canes outside of an old house I've been slightly intrigued. I wish I could find the painting I'm talking about to show you but instead I've hearted some pictures that will give you the idea. Anyways what's interesting about this interview is that apparently crows are almost as smart as apes and make tools that are even more sophisticated than the tools made by apes! Jane Goodall's mind is blown I'm sure. Anyways more interesting than tools, crows have complicated social networks like humans and can scheme, play, and have "gang-style funerals and killings". They also have great memories and can remember specific faces of humans. If you weren't afraid of birds after 'The Birds' now is the time. Just kidding I actually have a soft spot for them now and can't wait to watch this documentary with my Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday night!
Click here to see the promo video

1 comment:

  1. gill.
    i have been telling people this for ages.
    crows are bad news.
    hitchcock had it right!
    scheming birds! that remember your face!
    that is all.
