Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Had a great day today - sometimes you need those slower more reflective days. I spent this morning sending out applications for shows (already making good headway with that resolution) and I ordered some fancy new business cards. Then I headed to the studio where other than brief visits with Lauren and Megan I was alone for most of the day listening to local music and painting my Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Turducken painting. I had an epiphany today and decided that instead of painting the Turducken into the painting I would build a warped extension of the table which would sit in front of the painting with a Turducken sculpture sitting on the table. I'm hoping that by extending the painting into sculpture the viewer will feel a bit more repulsed and apart of the dinner. I also plan on displaying my other ceramics on pedestals, one in front of each painting so they can work with and inform the paintings. Here are the following images I'm working off of...

Now that I've probably scared you a little - onto the rest of my day... I went to yoga again tonight - so far I've been four times in the past seven days and am loving it. It makes me feel in control and calm and I like that in hot yoga, because of the heat and sweat, you go into a bit of a trance during the class. It was an intense combination to be in my head all day painting and then going to a class. Then when I was all sweaty and leaving the studio, I got into my car the perfect song was on the radio...

I also had a nice time documenting my work with the talented Ashley Gillanders yesterday. Here are the photos that came out of it.

Lambs to the Slaughter, oil on canvas, 5x6ft
Lambs to the Slaughter detail
Lambs to the Slaughter detail
Lambs to the Slaughter detail

And just for interest sake I've added the image I abstracted this painting from - I should warn you it's pretty gruesome...

Bullfight, oil on canvas, 2x3ft
Birch Trees, oil on canvas, 4x5ft
Sheep in a Street + Worms, oil on canvas, 4x5ft
Sheep in a Street + Worms detail
Sheep in a Street +Worms detail
Sheep in a Street + Worms and Birch Trees are paintings I did in Sharon Alward's class last year but I didn't have proper photos of them so I'm happy to have finally gotten around to it.

Friday was also Ashley and Tim's opening for 'Interiors/Exteriors' at Gallery Ingenue. The night was a great success and it makes me happy to see everyone attending having such a great time. I think the fact that the openings are in a restaurant gives people a reason to stay longer and sit and visit. It really makes for a great night. I can confirm other people feel this way too because my friend Alesha, who is a new blogger, blogged about it. Here are some photos from the opening...

Timothy Dyck and the lovely Kerri Pries
Anyways, it's late and I'm off to bed - tomorrow will be a big day in the studio, prepping for my first class teaching painting Wednesday morning, and more yoga.

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